
The Matière Verte Support and Certification program offered by ENvironnement JEUnesse is aimed at Quebec's elementary and high schools, both public and private.

The Matière Verte program has two components: Support and Certification. Via the Support component, the ENvironnement JEUnesse team offers adapted, year-round support to elementary and high schools. While the Certification component of the program encourages environmental education and facilitates sustainable management tailored to the school. The Certification component is sub-divided into five levels to recognize efforts and achievements as part of a long-term approach.

The strength of the network lies in the sharing of best practices, adoption of inspiring initiatives, use of performance measures and promotion of promising projects.

Benefits for schools and youth

Schools can access:

  1. Coaching and grants for environmental projects
  2. The program’s Members area, which contains practical guides, environmental project ideas and management tools
  3. Free training sessions and a discount for several paid training activities
  4. A members-only group and networking opportunities
  5. Opportunities to promote projects through articles published on our website and in our networks

“Our alternative school was started in 2019. The founding committee set off with a vision of a school that would be more nature-based, where students would be responsible for their school and the environment. We are really interested in your program. Having a project under way and a very involved community would make it possible for us to effectively work on several projects.”

–Frederike Cavezzali, principal, École Alternative l'Expédition

Youths can access:

  1. A network of active young people who care deeply about environmental issues
  2. Support and scholarships to carry out their environmental projects
  3. A certificate for their participation
  4. Learning opportunities to develop their skills in various environmental fields

“I’m happy my school is participating in the coaching and certification program since it lets us take concrete action for the environment. With the coaching component, I feel like we have support along the way.”

–Oswaldo Paz Flores, student, École secondaire de l'Érablière


Support : Registration is possible at any time during the school year. Your registration will be valid for the current school year, August 2024 to June 2025.

Certification : Registration is open until November 30th.



ENvironnement JEUnesse would like to thank the Chamandy Foundation for its three years of financial support for this program. We would also like to thank the Trottier Family Foundation for their support for the pilot program.

Chamandy Foundation

The Chamandy Foundation, established in 2015, is a private family foundation based in Montreal working to improve the lives of younger generations so that they may have the opportunity of a brighter future.

Trottier Family Foundation

The Trottier Family Foundation’s vision is to make a meaningful and positive impact on the world. We believe we can achieve this by promoting science, education, health and the environment.