ENvironnement JEUnesse is known for its environmental coaching and certification programs for educational establishments. The early childhood community can look to the CPE durable program, which is recognized by the Ministère de la Famille. Elementary and secondary schools can get involved in its Matière verte program, and CEGEPs and colleges have benefited from the Cégep Vert du Québec program for over 15 years.
Through these programs offered across Quebec, ENvironnement JEUnesse fosters commitment and involvement in schools and reaches a variety of clienteles: children, students, parents, educational staff, faculty, administrators, etc. ENJEU programs help develop young eco-citizens who are informed of environmental issues and have the tools they need to take action in their learning establishments.
ENvironnement JEUnesse also offers lectures, workshops and training activities to childcare centres, elementary and secondary schools, CEGEPs and colleges, day camps and environmental committees (see the Education section in French only).